Wednesday, February 25, 2009


February 25, 2009


Yesterday, having wrapped up the District Tour, we left Salt Lake City by car at 7:30am and travelled all day to arrive by late afternoon.

I never get tired of travelling this country.

During our journey I saw many types of birds, fascinating sky formations and enough geological conundrums to stagger my one class in that subject. I look a huge boulders that have tumbled a long way down a mountain, and wonder, will they go further than that some day? How did they get this far? What was it like when they were on the move? and is there some purpose to it all?

We saw eagles, and pronghorn sheep and a furtive fox....and prarie dogs checking out a warmer-than-normal day atop their "igloo" mounds. Fascinating. And (I think) a group of comorants on an open field, standing at equal distances from one another and all turned with bent wings and chests out to the bright sun. Soaking up warmth I am guessing....or was it a season of praising God? :)

All a part of "my Father's world."
All fitting into a formation of purpose and meaning.
Some aspects to sustain the others....some, perhaps just to revel in.
Design by an infinite and all-powerful Creator - who loves to provoke questions and fill us with oohs, and ahs.
His signature is written on so much....if we will only look and ponder.

All of this fills me with his presence and helps me with proper self-assessment.

Our problems as humans since the very start have been vying for power, worrying about self and pride.

And I look around, am filled with wonder once again....and ease into a more appropriate bit of personal smallness.

"He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly
and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God."

The book of Micah - chapter 6, verse 8.

It's good to be back in touch.

I'll see you again...soon.
