Wednesday, November 26, 2008


An hour ago I was sitting in a little restaurant grabbing lunch and writing this note about thanksgiving.

I realized afresh that Thanksgiving is 1)a focus and 2)a choice with 3)clear consequence.

A focus:
Because it seems a person can always find a reason to complain and not give thanks. For instance - the weather: I love the sunny days in Colorado (300 to be exact) - BUT I do not love the water shortages that can come if we don't get rainy days. So what will my focus be - the sun or the dryness?

I am thankful for the wisdom that comes with aging....but I am not thankful for aging - understand? :) So what focus shall I choose today?...wisdom or wrinkles?

The person with negative focus is what I call the "yes, but" type.
We may say, "What a neat time we are having" and they say, "yes, but" it is going to be too late when we get home. We say, "wow you are looking great today" and they say, "yes, but" you should have seen me yesterday.
And on it can go.
Thanksgiving is truly a matter of focus.

And, being thankful is most often a choice.

Reality is - all of us probably can see the pros and cons about anything.
There is an up side and a down side to most aspects of life on this side.

(That's one of the wonders of heaven to come...only an up side. Is that why the Psalmist wrote "I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart? - just gettin' ready for heaven?)

So as your friend, I am encouraging you to take the up focus and make the right choice - ah, there you have it - Thanksgiving.

And when you practice choosing thanksgiving, a lot of graces come with it - joy, love, peace, faith and much more.

So, this Thanksgiving - make the choice, keep the up focus, and reap the rewards of a real Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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