Thursday, December 11, 2008

Economics 101

December 11, 2008

Economics 101

Lots about money in the news these days...
>from recession to depression
>homes that can't sell - owners doing fixup at their own expense and selling at a loss
>layoff's by the thousands
>desperate measures taken by despairing people
>food lines very long
>state colleges crowded with "need more education" students
>retirements pushed off into the "not sure when" future
>and shopping, sales, "must have" words all over everywhere - welcome again to Christmas

So, as I am reading the New Testament, words about finances catch my eye.

(Here is my list of ideas gleaned from Chapter 6 of I Timothy. For "extra credit" read it yourself first, list your own ideas and then read mine and see if the ideas you have discovered are the same ones I will list. A+ for anyone who can write me showing what I missed. :))

Econ 101 - According to Paul

1. One of the significant wrong notions about godliness is that it will probably lead to "great gain" right now. Ie godliness and gain in the now are not that linked.

2. Having a wrong & greedy attitude about money fosters strife, malice, suspicions, quarrels. So consider a financial root to the next fight you are around.

3. Godliness + contentment = great gain.

4. "You can't take it with you" - is a false statement (#5&12)

5. You can send it all ahead of you into eternity - to be enjoyed in fellowship with God forever - see :19.

6. The basis God thinks is adequate for true contentment: food and clothing.....a much shorter list than we have been told in our cultures and time!

7. Being motivated by wanting to get rich leads to self trapping, ruin and worse.

8. The love of money is the root of all evil and leads in directions away from the presence of God.

9. Those with wealth must be on guard to put their hope only in God. (Jesus' said this was a very hard thing to do.)

10. God promises to "richly provide (those in relationship with Him) with everything (needful) for our enjoyment."

11. We should cultivate a continual habit of generosity, no matter our financial condition.

12. As we walk in these principles we will "store up treasure" for eternity in heaven and "take hold of the life that is truly life" in the now. (I think the latter is true because living in these principles deepens dependence, grows relationships, matures faith, gives open door opportunities for the spread of the life of Jesus in the world, and crucifies the lusts for more and more.)



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