Wednesday, April 15, 2009


April 15


Read an interesting piece yesterday, about ceo's and how they are chosen.

Apparently it is not smarts, or schooling as much as size.

The difference on the hiring chances with just three more inches is stupendous.

It has always been that way. "Man looks on the outward appearance.."

It was that way with King Saul of old....with Goliath...with giants of the time.

But it has rarely been that way with God.

He has nothing against elephants, whales, mountains, universe....

It is just that to Him the insides are much more important than the outsides.

That's why He chose David (small of stature, ruddy of appearance) instead of Saul (head and shoulders above others.)

Like the rest of the verse (above) says - "Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart."

So if you want to be a champion, keep your focus on the inside. Keep seeking a complete makeover, by turning your life over to Jesus in a clear and decisive manner. Talk everything over with Him and seek constantly to become more like Him in spirit and action.

Remember the promise: "If any person is in Christ (turned over completely to Him) he is a new creature."

And when you are looking for a champion to be your friend, or ally, or partner, don't overlook the short guy. He might just be a whole lot bigger on the inside than you think.

6 feet tall, and still growing inside.
....with you


1 comment:

Galen said...

Nice piece. I worry, though, that our people in our culture misunderstand loaded words such as "champion," because we have inherited vestiges of pagan religion that remain deeply embedded in subconscious realms. The cult of the "hero," is a religious concept encoded in much of what our (all?) culture(s?) transmits, and it tells us we must do something spectacular and grand in the world in order to be remembered and thus achieve a lasting memorial. That tradition holds these achievements should be something attended by virtue is more a result of luck than an absolute requirement (think of Caesar, Napoleon). In short, being a champion or hero is our only link to durable meaning in the universe. That Christians should see this concept as false does not mean that one cannot be a champion or hero. It means that being one ought never to be the goal, with everything else being merely the means to it. It means that someone, such as David, has certain virtues and has had the opportunity to act upon those virtues with success. It is an incidental adjective and it fits a not-particularly-Christian category - a profile assembled according to values that have a decidedly worldly component. If we use this profile, it should be to describe someone just doing what he does because his identity is in Christ, as distinguished from someone pursuing a self-elevating goal.