Friday, January 29, 2010


January 29, 2010


Well, the day has come and most everything is boxed up.

We are scrambling a bit extra so as to not break contact with you. It is so critical that we know we are not losing touch. It gives us fresh hope continually. Thanks for being there.

New blog address:
We're calling it Spirit Life...the probable title of a book I will begin writing in earnest within hours.

You can e-mail us at or

The title today I thought of as a reversal of the incredible "Good Friday" in which our Lord did it all for all of us. But it was such a dark day as well.
I reversed the title out of a desire to say, the day is good for us. We are doing well, thanks in great part to the stuff done for us in the heavenlies on that Good Friday.

The new blog site, features a picture...hmm, not sure how much that adds...but big thankyou to Shayla (our Minneapolis gal) and Jackie (my best friend...also my wife!) who conspired together to make sure the switch-over went off well.

Focus of teaching on Sunday will probably be Psalm 46 - which includes the oft quoted but hard to live line - "be still and know that I am God." Good words for a week like this.

Thanks for being my friend.


1 comment:

Erin said...

Just found your blog through Facebook. I'm looking forward to reading it & keeping up with what's going on with you & Jackie. Blessings!