Saturday, February 20, 2010


February 20, 2010

Well, that day has dawned....when the number rolls one more and I recon with time.

The day in brief review:

Slept till 7 something. A time in life when sleeping in is a thing of the past....and feeling sleepy is a thing all present.

Up and checking phones, e-mail, facebooks, blog - the mail won't arrive till this afternoon :)

Some gifts...a scarf, first knitting of Evan LaForge (Salt Lake City) - and a B&N gift card, a special espresso coffee pot, and a book on! Thanks everyone!

Then a call from grandson Carson with his own unique unaccompanied solo version of Happy Birthday. He is three. Certain phrases repeated at will. Repleat with arias. We were in fits of laughter....and I realized that is one of the best renditions ever. On facebook it would be a sensation. "Grampy" was honored indeed.

Greetings from all calling in, people sending pics, prayers, wonderful wishes..not to mention facebook.

Calls to some family including my sister in Vancouver...whose birthday is on the 17th. We compared with laughter the process of aging...and who is more challenged right now. "Tell me about it," she says, "'cause sometimes it feels like I've broken every bone in my body recently."

Underline the word "feels." That seems to be what this birthday business is about.

We laugh for way to respond to the stuff about us.

Laugh upwards too with a heart fully trusting in Jesus.


Then shovel the walk.

Get the big family dinner started - (Turkey) - Jackie doing most of it :)

Gotta preach tomorrow...if I still can after such a significant day! - want to mine it for yourself? - Luke 10:38-42 and John 11-12:8. A close look at three in a family and their relationship with Jesus and how He regarded them. It is a study with a lot of humor in it (I like that!) - a wonderful textual harmony and a knock-out conclusion. I'm going to go for do that too. Perhaps I'll put it on this site in a few days.

Well, gotta go and make sure none of my tv antena errant hairs are sticking out before the family gets know the ones that come out the end of your nose and off the edges of your ears. Didn't God have a great sense of all falls out of the top and then grows horizontal.

Have a great I am!

And thanks for being my friend!


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