Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pit Bull

March 2, 2010


My friend Steve told me this story two days ago.

He lives in an open neighborhood.

People with big yards - lots of dogs.

To themselves kinds of people.

Steve and his family have a dog.

This day, he put his dog (friendly kind) on a leash to take it for a walk.

Things were going well, until suddenly a roar split the air.

And Steve and his wife turned to see a huge pit pull leaping a 5' fence and coming his way.

His eyes were focused evilly on them and he was closing fast.

Steve had nothing in hand...and nothing with which to protect them and their dog.

Horror was at hand.

As the pit bull streaked into the street, suddenly a car appeared. (There had been no other cars as they walked.)

The car and pit bull met in mid street and the pit bull was instantly killed and sent about 50 feet into the air. He landed in a heap of spent rage.

Their lives had been spared....and it felt rather miraculously.

And then they remembered the prayers prayed to take authority over the evil in the neighborhood and for protection over them all.

This happened recently.

The car had but a few scratches and drove off without much pause. The owner admited the angry nature of the dog. All was settled and ended.

And hearts finally started beating normally.

You might try praying before you take your walk.

It seems to be working.



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