Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Every Day with Jesus


Matthew 3

To get the most out of this, please read Matthew Chapter 3 first - slowly and prayerfully.

I did this just now...trying to in my mind imagine I was there looking on.

What hit me as I did this, was the incredible contrast between John the Baptist and Jesus...both in actions and in words....and the Father's joining in with Jesus to say, in effect, this is the manner I will most honor. (Not entirely fair logic, I admit, but something of value can come by proceeding along this line.)

Let's explore.

John's manner...
harsh, rugged, with trumpeted declarations, and calls to repent and get it right and do it right...and for lunch locusts and wild honey...with bits of sand on the side! Then back to threshing action, and fire, and prove-that-you-really-have-repented action.
Underneath, a clear sense of his own frailty (I need you to baptize me, Jesus - had he ever been baptized?). He was called to be prophetic, but wow what an aggressive role this was for him....had the role consumed him? Food, clothing, living style, words, actions -had it all become a trumpet call? Did it have to be that entirely?

Jesus manner...setting the tone for His ministry...
A purposeful, long walk (from Galilee), a gentle insistent conversation, a public and obedient action, wanting to walk out clear righteousness, humble, submissive (baptism by immersion is especially so :), openly transparent (getting soaked publicly with no change rooms, or towels...willing to put up with crowd reactions (what must some of them have been thinking as they watched this go on..."well, John got another big sinner today! Came all the way from Galilee...must have felt terribly guilty.")

The Father's reaction to His Son's beginning...
1. I'll open heaven on this.
2. I'll send my Spirit onto this kind of scene...(and it is a dove that embodies His way to characterize what is going on. We have two doves in our back yard...what a gentle sight they are...and what a calming coo they sing into our neighborhood.)
3. And the Father's word: "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."

In other words, I see the Father communicating with such repetition and variety that we can't miss it:
1. My Son has begun perfectly
2. It is this kind of attitude that will summons My presence over and over
3. Watch the Kingdom that comes when this leads.

So, I see two ways of ministry:

John's Way:

1. Mostly preach to "them" & do it loudly
2. Speak threats, and warnings
3. Condemn by word and deed
4. Clothing that says "I'm different"
5. Live apart - don't get too close
6. A "get it right" Kingdom
7. The way of my responsibility
8. Hawk-like

The Jesus' Way:

1. Talk, and do it clearly.
2. Lead in submission and humility
3. Help people move forward by showing then speaking
4. Clothing and style that does not draw attention
5. Living among people..and depend on them.
6. An interactive, Presence-centered, gentle Kingdom.
7. The Kingdom of His kindness and love.
8. Dove-like

Well, those are my thoughts.
Forgive me, for some of them are pretty rough, but perhaps the Lord will stir up your heart like He has mine today.

And now to the living of it.



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