Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Got up today and was much encouraged by reflecting on the weekend just past and signs of the blessing of the Lord and His presence. I jotted stuff down for record.
A very good weekend. I realize over and over how easy it is to not remember and yield to the other voices.

(Hope your weekend was good too...do you need to spend a bit of time journaling as well?)

Then I went back to continuing my read through the Old Testament...and read in early Judges today...about Gideon - you might grab your bible and read Judges 6.

Things that struck me:

1. He was living in a challenging time...not much support around him, in fact all negative stuff, so much so that the whole nation could be characterized as doing "evil in the sight of the Lord."..and being "laid waste" because of the Lord's withdrawal of protection. Over and over the news in the morning paper was bad.

2. Gideon is feeling the effects of the culture...doing the normal stuff (wheat processing in abnormal places...the vineyard...so as to hide), doing the day stuff at night - an abnormal time (so as to escape notice.) He is living with fear...and his behavioral patterns are being affected. (And there is no melatonin.)

Then I love what God does with people like this...or should I say, like you and me? :)

1. He calls him by the name He sees describing his potential and future - "mighty man of valor." :12 Does your story include an incident of a wounding name called over you...or internal names you call yourself? ("Weakest, least" - :15)

2. He sends an angel (in disguise) to show Gideon that the Lord is present and at work - and that He is very creative in the ways He can intervene. And I love this: it takes Gideon a long time to finally recognize that it is an "angel of the Lord." :22 (I think that too is still our challenge.)

3. God gives him a preliminary assignment - to grow him in boldness and conviction - cut down the Asherah, tear down the Baal altar. The word comes to Gideon at night - and he obeys at night. (Sometimes the night offers a quiet cover. It is not always a hard time and can become even a place of prayer, thought and more. Rather than stewing when awake at night, how about trying: "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening."?

4. He sends His Spirit to clothe Gideon with new authority, good ideas and resultant effectiveness.

5. He is ok with Gideon's journey about "is this really God?" - even after all of this. And lots of us are so into this need that "putting out a fleece" can often be understood in conversation with no other explanations.

Isn't this revelation of God wonderful and timely still? Wow! He is great, gracious, and will accomplish his not-so-fragile (:) purposes through us...good news when it sometimes feels a bit like a Gideon day.

And now, the words of a song that come to mind...perhaps a word from the Lord for you right now:
"I will change your name.
You shall no longer be called: "wounded, outcast, lonely, or afraid."
I will change your name.
Your new name shall be "confidence, joyfulness, overcoming one
Faithfulness, friend of God, one who seeks My face."

Lord, today I accept your names for me, your tasks for me, and the presence of Your Spirit to make me able for it all. Amen.


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