Monday, October 11, 2010


Carson is 4.
Jess and JJ's firstborn. #2 is due in just weeks!

About 4feet tall...and full of energy unleashed to figure out his world.

His language has gone towards logic and reasoning....and recently towards sensitivity and humor. Super fun to be around. In moments really amazing.

Several days ago he came through the door fresh from a soccer "game." Don't you love that age dressed for soccer...fancy shoes, shin pads, shiney shorts, big name jersey and a face of sheer determination. And a trail of dust wherever the teams are in action.

Back to Carson.

Just inside the door he said he had a whisper for Grammy.

She squatted down and offered her ear. And profering his hand to make the moment strictly personal he whispered something to her.

Then it was my turn to squat and listen.
Here is what he was conveying...
"I scored a goal."

He had broken from the pack and was the only one on the field who knew what to do next. He scored.

Then he stood back while we offered our excited "yays" and "way to go's."

And suddenly it became a Jesus moment.

"Unless you become like children you will not see the Kingdom of God."

Rightully proud, while being tempered with humility.
And a dash of fun for good measure.

Jesus, help us to be like children today.
