Tuesday, July 19, 2011


You moving pretty fast too?

Yesterday: Staff meeting, office details, packing up, out to lunch, to SLC airport, fly home, to Brad's for some family time, home and to bed pronto.

Today: Up early, long talk, pick up the yard, clean up the office, check the mail, mail out copies of Spirit Life, gather teachings for Wyoming, wash car, pick up AG official, visit the wake of Virgil Illum, home and finish packing...different destinations this time.

Tomorrow..take Jackie to Denver airport - she's going to Minneapolis to see Shayla. I drive on to connect in Greely - to travel to Wyoming and speak for two days to pastors from all over that state.


And then comes Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

With Him "in the boat" no flury will be too much. Waves and wind will simply become His means of developing us more on the inside.

Stand in our boats, Lord, and rebuke the part of the wind that seems like too much.

May Your peace - Jesus Christ - which supercedes understanding, keep our hearts and our minds.

And with this, we are doing "just fine, thank you."


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