Tuesday, August 28, 2012


He had been away from his parents and 22-month-old sister Presley, for two weeks.
Long time for someone just six.

They - off in Idaho for intense training involving the future.
He - Carson - staying with us...and getting back into school.

We had had a memory-making time.

And now the day for their return had come.

Their vehicle pulled into the driveway at long last
A shout went out signaling "they are here."
     and Carson raced to the driveway to be the first to meet them.

Hugs, dancing, laughter.

And then it was time for Carson to show off....
"I learned to tie my shoes"...and a careful demonstration with the two-colored teaching laces in Grampy's shoe ensued while we all gathered around...with oohs and ahhs.

"And I have learned to remember to turn lights off."

And all the while, Presley, munching on a calzone, and looking on with squeals of delight.

And a big chase through the house with peals of laughter.

Reunions - this one was something quite special.

Together....it is worth a big celebration.

Reminds me a lot of a big one coming -
  "And I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out,
     'Hallelujah!  For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns.
      Let us rejoice and exult.....'"   Rev.19:6-7

The door closes and Grammy and I realize we don't get to end the day with a six-year-old asking us questions and tossing on his bed...while we try to make sure we end the day with prayer!!

Thanks,  Carson,  you have taught us a lot....and reminded us of what is to come.


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