Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I was involved in planting a new church. the heart of Lincoln, Nebraska - right next to the campus of the University of Nebraska.

We were meeting in Lodge #16 - fraternal site - old, cracked windows, smells - but affordible. :)

From the ceiling in the main room hung a huge electronic bingo sign. Numbers prepared to light up the night before (Saturday)- for those who came to try their luck.

We met on Sunday and drew chairs in a semi-circle on the cracking floor.
Guitars, drums and even a ukelele sounded forth as we sang vigorously our worship to God.

And often we shared in communion - a common loaf of bread and a common cup of grape juice - yes grape juice! :)

On the day I remember well, we sang, and learned from the Bible and shared in communion - first the bread, and then, passing it around, the cup. (No...we hadn't heard of health risks!)

When the cup came to me, with closed eyes, I raised it up ceremonially, and brought it to my lips - and as I did the whole place exploded in long and hearty laughter.

Now, I have prided myself in being rather liberated, but this seemed instantly to be way too much......until I opened my eyes.

You see, at the moment the cup had touched my lips, the great Bingo light went suddenly on...and stayed on until I had finished.

We never could find anyone who touched switches, or played a we developed a theory.

God did it.

Not very good theology...but it does make some sense...because in communion the church celebrates over and over the sufficiency of the death of Christ...and the resurrection of Him from the dead. It is also the celebration that He ascended into heaven and will come some day to pick up all who have committed their lives to Him while living here.

So may you celebrate communion again soon.

And as you do, may the lights go off very your soul.

Bingo ....indeed......


1 comment:

Roberta said...

Hi Dave...I enjoy sitting down to read your musings, usually on a Sunday evening. Your entry on communion really brought a smile to my face...I can't wait to ask some friends if they were there. Funny this is the first time I've heard this story. The bottom line is good...celebrating what Christ did for us really should light us up. You might enjoy looking at to see what some of your Lincoln friends were up to this weekend. It was pretty amazing. Roberta and Jerry