Wednesday, October 22, 2008


A free definition of the word might go something like this:
an event or events that get our attention and seem unusual enough to make us ask: what is going on?

A few days ago I heard this definition for coincidence: when God arranges the details, but is not concerned about Who gets the credit.

I sometimes wonder: Could it be that God is that playful? (for a bit of assistance in formulating your answer, consider gerbils and elephants, seals and whales, butterfiles and pandas.)

I suppose it all depends on how far we think God likes to get involved in our lives. Personally I vote for God being a whole lot more involved with our lives than we often realize.

Perhaps coincidences really should be seen as God-incidences.

Like a verse in the Bible that I just read says: "In Him we live, and move (!) and have our being." Seems like enough God-coverage there for "chance encounters" and "near misses."

So...I've been learning to take coincidences like the melodic call of some cell phones and answer it with: Hello - God, is that You?

So let's join up on this journey and tune in today to our Creator.

It's just another part of the Great Adventure.

It's a Jesus thing. He announced His purpose this way:
"I have come that you might have LIFE."

Selah -


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