Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Final Exam

I'm back at reading through the Bible - using my ESV study bible and enjoying it greatly. (Absolutely amazing maps, charts and notes.)

Using coded colors to highlight the most important expressions. (Ask me?)

What happens when I do this is that the big themes stand out clearly - against the backdrop of names and places and intricate stuff.

Often a whole king's life and reign is summed up by either one of these two phrases:
1. Manasseh: "and he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord." - I Kings 21:2
2. Josiah: "and he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord." - I Kings 22:2

It's not just a few times but dozens of times either of these summary statements are pronounced over the lives of people of mention. A whole life summed up in a moral evaluation of behavior.

Thousands of years later it is still in the record, "he did what was good" or "he did what was evil." There seems to be no escaping from this final exam.

Both of these expressions have this in common:
1. it is what we "did" that will be measured - not what we wished, hoped or believed...but what we "did."
2. the "eyes of the Lord" which see it all unfold now, will provide the video reruns that will be the up or down factors that will be determinative. He sees it all, and His determination will be final.
3. we will all have this moment in the end...the New Testament reflects this very clearly.

Looked at my old transcripts a few days ago...the grades are still there, the "with Honor" attached, the degrees awarded, the class dropped, the course not taken for credit...all there. Still having an impact on the present.

One day.
One final exam.
One "grade"...a pronouncement from He Who sees it all.

May we live today, that it may be "well done, good and faithful servant."


1 comment:

Assault On Ambivalence--Marcus Robinson said...

Great reminder, Dave. My perspective can sometimes get so complicated. It really comes down to doing what is right in the eyes of the Lord. Bless you.