Thursday, March 25, 2010


March 25 - Thursday


She was born with endless challenges....all 4lb 4oz of her.

She was surrounded by expert care immediately.

She lived for 48 hours and 12 minutes...
the last five hours in the arms and tender love of Sarah and Micah

They dedicated her to Jesus...
...and then she quietly said, "gotta go now."

And went into eternity and the presence of our Lord

I've wondered for hours about what her assignment there will be.

Will she be a tiny angel?
...a cherub-like aide?
...or will the Lord take her tiny earthy frame and fashion something entirely surprising out of it. Something that will fill us with awe.

Who knows.

God does.

He's been watching her all along...

"You shaped me first inside, then out;
you formed me in my mother's womb.
..bit by bit I was sculpted from nothing into something.

Like an open book,
you watched me grow from conception to birth;
All the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day..."*
...or two.

See you again Gracie.

Can't wait to see the rest of His plan.


*Psalm 139 - The Message

1 comment:

Carole Springer said...

Beautiful thoughts and tribute to Baby Gracie. She has eternity to grow, to understand her Savior, to thank her Heavenly Father for the privilage of being born to such loving and godly parents and grandparents. This will add to the happy reunion of those who have gone before you. God Bless!