Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The blessing

Got ready to come to the office today...normal morning slow shift.
Internal twittering voices assuring me that the day might not go well.

Final thing...a kiss and "goodbye" for my best friend, Jackie.

As I began my farewell, she began a blessing.

With things like...
"I think you are getting sharper and sharper.
"I see good stuff developing in you every day.
"You are doing really well.
"You look great today.
"God is with you.
"I love you.

And "I am thinking about it.
(If you have been to our seminars, I need not say more. :))

And I went from ok to joyful....from blahs to yes!..from not-sures to can do

And I drove to work admiring the beauty of sun and trees and mountains...and God.

Blessings from the heart are fuel for the soul and strike a match to tinder energy.

Wish you would have started this way?...not too late.

Give a call, write a note, text a blessing.

What a way to start...or restart...a day.


LBacon said...

Pastor Dave, Thanks for being here in Colorado Springs to minister to the family of CAB! I can't even imagine your thoughts and the tremendous pressure you are under as an interim Pastor. First, to 'hit the ground running' to know all the time that your time here is only temporary. Second, to equip, encourage the body is a great calling to do it in the interim is even more spectacular. My wife and I look forward to your leadership as our fellowship seeks the minister who will lead us in the future.

Lyndon Bacon

k.t. said...

Thank you for the blessing of you blog... needed the nudge myself. Bless you and indeed all you do for the Lord.