Monday, September 14, 2009


September 14, 2009


"In the last analysis it was (George) Washington
and the army that won the war for American independence.
The fate of the war and the revolution rested on the army.
The Continental Army -
not the Hudson River or the possession of new York or Philadelphia
- was the key to victory.

And it was Washington who held the army together
and gave it "spirit" through the most desperate of times.

He was not a brilliant strategist or tactician,
not a gifted orator,
not an intellectual.
At several crucial moments he had shown marked indecisiveness.
He had made serious mistakes in judgment.
But experience had been his great teacher from boyood,
and in this his greatest test, he learned steadily from expeience.
Above all,
Washington never forgot what was at stake
and he never gave up."*

(*Concluding assesment of David McCullough
- Pulitzer Prize winner - in his account of "1776.")

Leadership has always been the key.

The kind of leadership that..
Learns from experience...
Remembers what is at stake.....
And never gives up....
(at least until Jesus says, "enough.")

Keys to greatness.

Deep inner qualities of person....past the showy, easily seen stuff.

May we be full of that kind of greatness.



1 comment:

Galen said...

But be careful. Achieving "greatness" can never be the goal. It may sound trivial, but seeming subtleties can send you in the wrong life-direction. What do you suppose the real goal atop the priority list should be? Does being "great" even rank? (No.) I don't see how it is helpful to describe things within the template of "greatness." Greatness is strictly God's business, its not ours to worry about.