Wednesday, September 9, 2009


September 10, 2009


We traveled over 2000 miles by car in the last week. To Houston and some zig zags.

Listened to some radio during. (and some Garrison Keilor sp?)

Some of the christian stations were playing hymns...some in the original style, some instrumental, some vocal, some with contemporary edges.

Hymn: (Webster) "a song in praise to God." That's ok for starters and most basic definition, but I would prefer to add, "normally with verses, rather thematic focus, and most often with a memorable chorus."

We were in church on Sunday morning - a deep south, rural, small, pew-and-pulpited Texas church - and they sang hymns. To a quick tempo, with twangy words, and guitar to match, nodding heads and deep heart expressions. I had discovered a new style of church - Texas style.

Our family shared several days all together - days of rich conversation, good food and lots of laughter. (And some NU football.) Part of the family is now on the road to we cherished this time to all be together in a special way.

And just before we said "good bye" we sang hymns. Mom had requested it and so we circled up and sang in parts, and I for one had to drop out quite frequently because it touched me so deeply inside. At times as we went deeper into the verses the clarity surrendered to jumbles of guesses, but the choruses....ah the choruses!

The youth among us stood willingly with us, but it seemed to take the adults to know the hymns by heart. And it occured to me so strongly that so many of our children are not learning hymns. What will they do when they need a hymn?

Jesus needed a hymn on the night he went to his death - "they sang a hymn and went out" - Matthew 26:30.

The early church saw what it did to Jesus and decided they did too. (See too Acts 16:25)

Paul, told us all that the Spirit energizes and equips us through hymns within us - "singing to one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs." (Eph. 5:19)

And Paul praised the Corinthian church for their gatherings that contained - "hymns" - I Corinthians 14:26.

Seems to me for thousands of years the people of God have been greatly strengthened (and catechized) through hymns.

Do you sing hymns?




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