Thursday, April 8, 2010


Thursday, April 8, 2010


His task was overwhelming. Lead a million people, all of them homeless...with a lurking enemy off the horizon. No conveniences/human services of any kind...sanitary, medical, law and roads, no communication helps, no educational system, nothing....
The Q and A lines were endless..."morning till evening" - day after day.
And he was trying to "do it alone." (Like some pastors/church leaders I know.)
And over it all was this public assessment - "not good."
You are going to "wear yourself out."

Here was God's way out....and it worked incredibly well.

Endurance....God's way.

1. Redefine who you are - "represent the people to God."

2. Redefine your tasks - the big stuff only.

3. Get tougher as you instruct - "warn them"

4. Choose people to help you, carefully, by measurable traits: - able, fearing God, trustworthy, not able to be bribed...and place these men over manageable groups of people

5. Let the people you've chosen really "bear the burdens with you"

6. You take a shot at stuff only after others have already tried

7. You keep the path "going up to God" warm...and people "will believe you"

And he got it....and did it.

And they all ended up arriving at a home.

And they all won battles over their enemies...and pleased the Lord.

And their leader did not expire, but lived to 120.

So these 7 pointers are effective, and timeless for leaders who would endure.

Want the details?
Moses is the leader. It's the front page story of Exodus 18-19.

May you lead well...and live long...and endure as a leader.



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