Friday, April 30, 2010



Mark 7:24-30

This woman does not qualify....
an unwelcomed guest,
a Gentile,
a Syrophoenician,
one who falls down,
with a daughter who is demonized.
AND.. Jesus is on a break from ministry and is not looking for guests. is your self concept and faith doing?

She is desperate...reduced to "begging."
Jesus, in one of the only "avoidance" moments of his ministry refers to what he can do as the bread for children (the Jews) served on the table, fresh and hot.
And she? well, by analogy, she is in the place of a dog, unqualified, undeserving....because dogs eat what is on the floor, not the table.


She doesn't even flinch, but from her position (at his feet, under the table?) - says, "Yes Lord; yet even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs."


All I need is a crumb off the floor and it will be ok with my daughter.
You give me a crumb and the devil will be gone.
I call you Lord, no matter what.

We have a dust buster that I love to charge and use. Always for crumbs off the kitchen floor. Jackie cooks fast and often in a flurry!

Next time I pick up the crumbs I might find myself in prayer.

"Jesus, give us today our daily ....crumbs."

Crumbs--that's the size of my problems in the light of His power.




Karla said...
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Karla said...

Dave--Your last statement "Crumbs--That's the size of our problems in the light of HIS power."
It is so true. If we all can remember this!