Wednesday, May 20, 2009


May 20


Lots of unkindness out there.

Harsh words.
Raised finger/s.
Loud voices.
Long stares.
Veiled threats.
Agitated gestures.
Curled lips.
Piercing eyes.
Cutting in.
Cutting down.

Harshness comes from quick reactions,
selfish reactions,
pressured reactions,
surface reactions.

Just got off the phone with someone I have never met.
Wife of a very gifted pastor looking for work.
Family on the edge.
Urgency and fear in her voice.
The clock is ticking before they have to do something.

I listened for a long time.
And she finally said: "I've called a lot of people and you are the first one who has taken time to listen and seems to care. Thank you."

And it seemed that a special thing called hope was birthed a little bit inside her.

And mayby there is something I can do for them.

And mayby not.

But at least I listened...and felt their pain....and prayed for them.

And offered myself to God to make a contact for them...and be a part of the solution. Not a further layering of the problem.


Jeff Lucas spoke about kindness at the men's retreat....and I am thankful for an opportunity to put feet to words. kind.

It can make a great difference in someone's life
.......yours too.

"The fruit of the Spirit is.....kindness." - Galatians 5:22



1 comment:

Cheri' said...

This is a good word Dave. I love what Jesus is quoted as saying in the last part of Luke 6:35, "...for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men." As a candidate and a recipient of His kindness, I want to reveal it as well.

Don White