Monday, July 26, 2010


"Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. but Martha was distracted with much serving." Luke 10:38-42.

Martha's distractions led her to:
a. impugn the Lord's character - "do you not care?"
b. interrupt the Lord's teaching - went up to him as he taught
c. create family tension - "my sister has left me"
d. live with lots of emotion - "anxious and troubled"
e. require two mentions of her name for even Jesus to get her attention!
- "Martha, Martha"

Martha's distractors were:
a. good things - "welcome" & "serving" but gone too far - "much serving"
b. possessiveness - "her house" - Mary and Lazarus lived there too!
c. attitude of poor me - "left...alone"
d. probably a long list of stuff attached to a certain time of day..for eating

Martha's way out (and ours too), according to Jesus:
a. simplify - "one thing is necessary" - simplify the kitchen, the schedule...
b. focus - take care of yourself, be who you are
c. diversify - let your family be who they are
d. trust Jesus - He is saying, "I give and as I do it can't "be taken away"...and if I have to I'll call your name over and over...but do listen, it is the secret to life.

And that for us all is a big Spirit life lesson...
If we have to choose between a three course meal and sitting at Jesus' the latter. It is focused time with Him that will do so much to keep the rest of the distractors at bay.



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