Monday, December 6, 2010

Doing good

One of the things that I love about this season is that there is a lot of public focus on showing kindness to others....Scrooges have to duck for cover and wise men are the people who give gifts.

It seems that what is often a push in our culture to the romantic, is replaced for a time by the actions that make a difference in the lives of others. I like that shift. Super.

I love the summation that Luke gives of Jesus life and ministry: "He went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed..." Acts 10:38

His doing good involved lots of things...visiting people at length and listeing to their stories, taking long hikes with others, speaking wisdom into people's lives or asking them questions to cause deep thought, making sure they had something to eat, speaking forgiveness into their lives, warning them of things that destroy life, and healing them both of physical ailment and spiritual.

In each case, those looking on could say: "Wow, that was good!"

Sometimes, with our limited resources and energy, we get stuck trying to figure out what to do in situations of need. Well, this thought suggests a simple approach: at least do something, and make sure that that something is "good."

Just go around in this very busy season, doing good.

Or, to stretch a carol a bit..."so do good, for goodness sake."

Yours, for a meaning-full is the Jesus way.


Titus Alliance said...

I believe it's not just possible, but a part of my business plan. And what I'm talking about is that what I want to be doing is
generating revenue while doing good for others. I personally use my business as a platform for doing good. I do appreciate the comments in this post. Thanks.

Spirit Life said...

Glad for your comment, Titus. Keep in touch on how it goes...and I'll keep writing.