Saturday, June 19, 2010


Saturday, June 19, 2010


They began to arrive last night...early evening. First adults with children then children with adults until there were 14 of us in all. The house was hummming and rocking with life...sounded a bit like the world cup soccer matches going on!

Children were hugging and running and trying desperately to invent something to draw attention from peers. At one time there was a chase going on around the whole house on the outside. Neighbors must have wondered what had become of this quiet place.

Part of the family had driven all day to get here...but still had energy to share with us all. What a gift indeed!

We ate peaches and fresh brownies....and lots of ice tea. And talked, and remembered and got caught up on events in our lives. And told some of our favorite stories...just to all remember again.

We straightened out little squabbles and praised good looks and accomplishments. And commented on two expanding tummies and when the big days will come...and our family will grow.


"How good it is to see you"...we said over and over. And it really was.

After 2.5 hours it had to end for the left at the door now replaced. (And carefully guarded smiles as the one who always puts them left on right and right on left did it again.) And "see you in the morning at the park" said with anticipation. And chatter about the "overnight" together that will follow. And how little sleep some of us will probably get.

And sighs when the door closed and the house was boringly quiet again.


I am coming to realize that one of the best things that God ever did, after Jesus' atonement for us, was to give us family. Sometimes it is the family of birth, always it can be the family of re-birth...but it is His intention that we not be alone...without Him or without them.

"Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation. God settles the solitary in a home..." Psalm 68:5-6

May your settling today include some time with family.

Our day today will include a picnic in the park...and a trip to see the Rockies play the Brewers.

Thank You Lord for family.


1 comment:

Cami said...

Thanks, Dad! I'm so glad you're in my family. What a gift you are to all of us.