Monday, June 7, 2010


Monday, June 7, 2010


Mowed my lawn a few hours ago. Looked a bit like a field of tiny bluish green flax...covered with little stalks of seed-developing heads...really covered....looking a bit lush. Front and back lawns. Both seeding out.

My idea...hey, that is great. Self-seeding. Growing richer and stronger. Taking care of itself. So healthy it is able to devote energy to repro. Great lawn!


Real truth is...

Apparently early seeding is the result of a few possibilities...
Lack of soil warmth.
Lack of moisture.
Lack of nitrogen.
What is basically going on is the grass is going "yikes, the end is near. I had better develop some seed and make sure I survive." Hmm.

I have been cutting and watering and fertilizing. But is the fertilizer lost its nitrogen zap...something is not going well deep inside the grass. Better find out and solve this.

Kind of like life.
Some signs we misinterpret as life...when they are really early dying.
Some appearances we regard as health...and all the time it is desperation.

Jesus said..."Consider the grass.." - no, it really was "lillies" wasn't it. (Matthew 6:28) But He told us, great wisdom comes to our lives from considering how He built things to work best. The rhythms of everything created are remarkably parallel.

So today...consider your own field
...a bit going to seed?..the physical looks good..but the spirit is dying?
Low on energy..when you come off to some as wound up tight?
Got a bunch of people fooled...but not your heart?

Take care.
